Thursday, December 10, 2009

Freedom of Speech or Treason?

Searching for information on the web for anything to validate the charges that Glen Beck is "inciting the people to violence", I stumbled onto a blog that is deceptively labeled "An Average American Patriot". Most of this site was vigorously demeaning, or should I say accusing...yes, that would better describe it...Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of treason!! Yes, TREASON!! For calling for a "revolution against Obama"!!
Seems to me that there are a large number of people around the country that are extremely upset about the direction that Obama is taking this country. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, being only one of the numerous legislators that are pointing out that the direction of the country is being railroaded by Obama and his administration in a direction that will lead to the destruction of our country as a republic!! He and his cronies (who are either Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Atheists, or the sexually confused trying to confuse, oh, I mean influence the children in schools while they are still malleable) are essentially trying to put our Constitution, the foundation of our country, through a shredder!! How could THAT be construed as anti-American??
It would seem to me that she is only but one of the legislators, being as close as you can get to knowing what is going on behind 'closed doors' that were supposed to be 'transparent'! Perhaps she knows wherewith she speaks!
Only those who have no clue as to what this means as far as personal freedoms would interpret what Bachmann has said as treason! I have a feeling that she knows more than the rest of us!
Anyone who disagrees with President Obama or his cronies is either ridiculed, slandered, threatened, or fired, with their 'Chicago style politics'. There's even talk about how to go about silencing them by legislation! Apparently 'Freedom of Speech' is no longer allowed in this country? Anybody that works for FOX NEWS, or on conservative talk radio is targeted for daring to have a difference of opinion from the administration! Beck, Rush and Hannity, Oh my!
Our founding fathers felt strongly that we should have the right to 'Question with Boldness' Thomas Jefferson They incorporated freedom of speech to allow the people to speak up and PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS!! They incorporated the right to keep and bear arms to allow the people to RISE UP AGAINST TYRANNY, should that become necessary.
Gee, do you think they thought that there was a real danger of that happening?? Who could possibly think that this administration is Anti-American??

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